Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services
As Amazon continues to rule the e-commerce world, smaller online retailers have to do more to keep up with the competition. Web design, for instance, is a great way for your e-commerce business to be in the front line of the consumers’ eyes while making a worthwhile investment in your marketing strategy. As a matter of fact, a recent consumer survey revealed that there are three main user experience features people consider extremely important when they browse online: 1) effective navigation, 2) updated website design and 3) authoritative content.
Ensuring that your website includes these three key features will greatly benefit your business in many ways apart from enhancing your site’s user experience. Investing in good navigation, site design and quality content also have significant impacts on branding and SEO. This article tackles on how each feature plays a role in achieving high-quality and effective UX.
1. Effective navigation opens up a way for a smooth web experience A survey has revealed that 94% of the respondents think that simple and effective website navigation is the number one site feature that is important to them. The easier your site is to navigate, the simpler and more efficient they can access your content the way they want to. Modern consumers have short patience when it comes to websites, hence, as an e-commerce brand, you have to create a linear navigation menu to guide your visitors in your site.
Take for example Amazon’s navigation bar, it has a clean-cut menu structure that makes it easy for consumers to move from one page to another. The UX of Amazon focuses on the search bar that allows any user direct access to its wide selection of products. Its search function offers a variety of great features allowing users to search, filter, and view search results using Amazon’s auto-complete filtering and guidance functionality. So if you use Amazon as your inspiration for your site’s UX, you have to ensure that your navigation is constant and intuitive so shoppers can easily find what they need.
2. Up-to-date site design invokes customer trust Most people are attracted to a trendy website provided that it won’t disrupt with their content consumption or any objective they had in visiting that website. A pleasant website UX indicates that your website and company are worthy of the visitor’s trust. Visual appearance is crucial in convincing people that your site content is not only relevant but also authoritative. Moreover, this also signals that your e-commerce business is successful, and thus, can be trusted. Trendy website designs entice visitors and generates trust, whereas good website UX focuses more on providing functionality and ease of use. As an owner of an e-commerce business, you should consider designing your website that will come out beautifully and combine it with the right functionality for optimal user experience.
3. Authoritative and relevant content keeps your customers In order to retain customers and drive more sales, you must offer valuable content. The best content is one that is authoritative and valuable that provides answers to your visitors’ problems and pain points. By creating content that will educate and resolve the issues of users, you can gain the trust and sales of the widest audience possible.
People visit your site for different reasons including to gain information, learn from you or complete a sales transaction. You can make use of user intent mapping software to know the reasons why visitors go to your site. By tracking how people navigate your site, you can gain insights why people visit you, which part(s) of your site they frequent on, and how you can optimize your site design and content that will resonate with these behavior patterns.
This post Top 3 Features Your E-Commerce Store Needs To Set Itself Apart From Competitors is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.